The Russian COVID-19 vaccine, Sputnik-V represents a threat to the plans of The Davos Crowd to effect a Great Reset on the world through economic and social destruction.

The vilification and rejection of this vaccine should be all the proof you need to finally be convinced that most of the response to COVID-19 was a media-created psy-op to effect political change and concentrate power further in the hands of very dangerous people.

Instead of welcoming the vaccine, which is based on other safe and effective vaccines for MERS and Ebola, our political leadership are angry and embarrassing themselves with their ignorance and knee-jerk reactionism.

It honestly doesn’t matter whether the vaccine works or not, what’s clear is that its mere presence has them screeching in apoplexy.

Show Notes

Sputnik V questions ANSWERED: Head of team financing world’s first Covid-19 vaccine explains formula to critics
The Lancet Publishes Sputnik-V Study – 100% effective
Merkel Reportedly Says Decision on Future of Nord Stream 2 Will Be Made by Europe, Not Germany

Previous Episodes:
Podcast Episode #49 – Doom Patrol v. The Woke Patrol and the Peak of the Meaning Crisis
Podcast Episode #48 – President Pelosi and How to Steal an Election You Didn’t Win
Podcast Episode #47 — Susan B. Anthony and the Limits of Trump Derangement Syndrome

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