It’s come down to this on Brexit. Who is Theresa May actually working for? The People? Or the unelected oligarchy I call The Davos Crowd?

If it’s the former then May had a very good week. Her terrible deal went down in flames, but she knew this would happen. She then invited her opposition, Jeremy Corbyn of the Labour party, to table a ‘No-Confidence’ vote in her government which she survived.

She survived it because the Brexiteers and the Remainers within the Tories are united against Jeremy Corbyn becoming Prime Minister.

But with her deal failing by such a huge margin is she weaker or stronger than she was last week? Depends on where her head is. If she has come to terms with a ‘No-Deal’ Brexit then she would be acting exactly as she is.

The problem is that if she is still trying to betray Brexit by some last-minute fear-mongering then she would also act exactly as she is.

And therein lies the current problem.

May’s insistence on keeping ‘No-Deal’ on the table could be seen as a negotiating tactic with the EU or a defensive measure to stave off a challenge from Corbyn.

May’s refusal to step aside as Prime Minister can be seen as her hanging on to do the will of her masters or as a defensive measure to deliver on some form of Brexit that most of her cabinet do not want.

I could do this all day.

And that’s what makes this so very confusing and very draining. The best news is that the inimitable Nigel Farage has announced he would come back to politics to campaign if a second referendum was forced on everyone.

And I think he’s right in saying that if that were to occur the overlords in Brussels and London better be prepared for an even worse drubbing. Because there comes a point where people’s patience runs out and that’s that.